Writer, Community Organizer
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Maegan Ortiz is a NYRican, Los Angeles based mami freelance journalist, poet, performer, media maker, community organizer and blogger. Among one of the first women of color bloggers, she has been writing about the intersection of politics and Latina motherhood for 17 years. She has collaborated with, performed with and worked with several poetic, multimedia collectives over the years.

She is a founding editor of the website and has published in The American Prospect, Colorlines, The Progressive, Bitch, Cosmo for Latinas, Latina, make/shift and more focusing on Latino media presence and immigration issues.

She recently was the project director for Undocutech’s 11 Milllion Dreams Storython, a project of MIT’s Center for Civic Media. This two-city event provided peer media and messaging training focusing on immigrant communities in Los Angeles and Cambridge.

Currently she is Program Manager of el Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California’s (IDEPSCA) Voz Mob project, a platform for immigrant and/or low-wage workers in Los Angeles to create stories about their lives and communities directly from cell phones. VozMob appropriates technology to create power in our communities and achieve greater participation in the digital public sphere.